Supporting Singapore Red Cross in Sri Lanka Healthcare Mission
Last June, KJ Optometrists had the privilege to support the Singapore Red Cross in its healthcare mission to Sri Lanka. The Singapore Red Cross team provided spectacles to the elderly beneficiaries in Sri Lanka for daily uses such as reading, sewing and knitting.
Over 100 million people worldwide are visually impaired due to uncorrected refractive error. Uncorrected refractive error continues as the leading cause of vision impairment and second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Many people in undeveloped countries do not have the privilege of eyecare facilities or are too financially poor to afford spectacles.
Ronald Reagon wisely said: "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
KJ Optometrists has been collecting pre-loved spectacles donated by the public for years. We hand these pre-loved spectacles to humanitarian organisations who make a difference to the lives of beneficiaries in undeveloped countries.
Lots of hands come together to make each mission possible. Before these pre-loved spectacles are dispensed to the beneficiaries, our staff carefully selects spectacles in good condition, clean them up and verify its prescriptions. After these are done, the spectacles are sorted according to prescriptions and prepared to be dispensed to our beneficiaries. KJ Optometrists also happily sponsored new lenses to be cut into good frames that previously had unsuitable lenses.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. It goes a long way in ways we can never imagine. The next time you change a pair of glasses, do consider donating your pre-loved ones to our donation box. We are happy to serve you as a team of qualified Optometrists who not only provide professional eyecare but also as Optometrists with a heart that cares.